Commission - Wrightson Library Steps

Library Steps in Sweet Chestnut, with stainless steel detailing.

Library Steps in Sweet Chestnut, with stainless steel detailing.

The Brief

This was a simple brief to design a set of steps for a lady who wished to reach the top of her bookshelves without needing to climb onto the back of her sofa. I only met her once and briefly but go the sense of someone with great humour and a certain quirkiness. 

The Process 

 I am more of a model maker than a 2d artist. I find I develop ideas and solve problems more effectively working in 3d.  I took photos of the scale model I made in willow and ply to communicate my ideas.

She immediately liked the idea so after ascertaining her height and other relevant dimensions proceeded to make a full scale mock-up in chipboard and willow.  This was tested for stability and proportions and I then made the final piece in sweet chestnut with stainless steel details.  I also made a book rest which clips onto her shelves so she can read whilst atop the steps.

I am delighted with the steps. They are lovely and always much admired whenever someone comes who hasn't yet seen them. I am happy too that they look good among my "brown furniture "

The steps were delivered in February 2018. 


A fusion of green wood and fine furniture.


Commission - Scritti Desk